The New Yorker
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist (02-10-1951 p. 107)
Freud, Adler, and Jung (09-14-1981 pp. 201–202)

The Times Literary Supplement *
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist (08-10-1951)
Critique of Religion and Philosophy (07-31-1959)
Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary (11-25-1965)
The Will to Power (05-15-1969)

Harper’s Magazine
The Faith of A Heretic (December, 1961)

The New York Times Book Review
The Portable Nietzsche (06-05-1954)
The Portable Nietzsche (07-18-1954)
Goethe’s Faust (03-26-1961 BR10)
The Faith of A Heretic (08-06-1961 BR6)
Twenty German Poets (10-14-1962))
Cain and Other Poems (11-04-1962 BR6)
Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary (06-27-1965 BR6)
Tragedy and Philosophy (01-15-1969 p. 45)
Will to Power (02-16-1969)
Without Guilt and Justice (04-07-1973 p. 31)

The New York Review of Books
Hegel (07-15-1965)
Tragedy and Philosophy (11-20-1969)
Hegel (05-29-1975)
Hegel’s Political Philosophy (06-12-1975)

The Saturday Review
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist (01-13-1951 p. 32)
Goethe’s Faust (05-06-1961 pp. 29–31)
The Will to Power (08-05-1967 p. 34)
Tragedy and Philosophy (12-28-1968 pp. 27–28)

Scientific American
Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary (11-1965 p.133–136)

The Will to Power (04-1967 pp. 79–82)
"Martin Buber" (10-1980 pp. 94–95) [K.’s reply]

Ramparts Magazine
Twenty German Poets (Autumn, 1963 pp.91–92)

Modern Age
Hegel (Spring, 1966 pp.213–214)
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus (Fall 1995 pp.75–80)

The Libertarian Review
Without Guilt and Justice (11-1974 p.1)

Without Guilt and Justice (03-1975 p.26)

The Washington Monthly
The Future of the Humanities (03-1977 pp.62–66)

* "Reviews were not signed until 1974."
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichris
Walter Watson Ethics (04-1951)
S. W. B. Jewish Social Studies (07-1951)
Karl Löwith Social Research (09-1951)
James Gutmann The Journal of Philosophy (10-11-1951)
Walter Cerf Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (12-1951)
H. R. Smart The Philosophical Review (01-1952)
D. W. Gotshalk The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (04-1952)
Frederick C. Copleston Philosophy (10-1952)
Kurt F. Reinhardt Books Abroad (Winter 1952)
Theodor Haering Historische Zeitschrift (1952)
Ernst Koch The Modern Language Journal (01-1953)
R. Roos Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger (1954)
H. James Birx Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (03-1977)
Chris Terry Times Higher Education (01-14-2010)

The Portable Nietzsche
James Gutmann The Journal of Philosophy (08-18-1955)
Victor J. Lemke Monatshefte (April - May 1957)

Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Crane Brinton The American Scholar (Spring 1957)
Calvin Schrag The Journal of Religion (07-1957)
Henry Hatfield The German Quarterly (11-1957)
Walter Cerf Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (12-1957)
C. H. Whiteley Philosophy (07-1959)
J. Mitchell Morse The Journal of General Education (04-1963)

Critique of Religion and Philosophy
Clyde A. Holbrook Journal of Bible and Religion (10-1958)
Neal W. Klausner Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (06-1959)
Arnulf Zweig Ethics (07-1959)
Gérard Deledalle Les Études philosophiques (09-1959)
Margaret Wiley Marshall The Journal of Higher Education (10-1959)
Julian N. Hartt The Philosophical Review (04-1961)

Judaism and Christianity
Bernard J. Bamberger Jewish Social Studies (10-1959)
Joseph Politella Journal of Bible and Religion (10-1959)
Nolan Jacobson Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (03-1960)
Cynthia Ozick New York Times (12-10-2006)

From Shakespeare to Existentialism
Hazel Barnes Chicago Review (Autumn 1959)
F. W. Kaufmann The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (01-1961)
W. E. Kennick The Philosophical Review (01-1961)
Arthur Berndtson Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (09-1962)
Richard C. Harrier Shakespeare Quarterly (Winter 1963)

The Faith of a Heretic
R. B. Y. Scott The Christian Century (01-31-1962) [K.’s reply]
J. David Bleich Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought (Spring 1962) Roger L. Shinn The Christian Scholar (Fall 1962)
William Horosz Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (09-1964)
Goethe’s Faust
D. E. Allison Prairie Schooner (Summer 1962)
Ernst Rose The Modern Language Journal (02-1963)
Lisel Mueller Poetry (01-1963)

Hegel: Reinterpretation
Stephen D. Crites Journal of the History of Ideas (04-1966) [K.’s reply]
J. N. Findlay The Philosophical Quarterly (10-1966)
W. H. Walsh The Philosophical Review (04-1967)
Walter Cerf Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (06-1968)
Enrique Sanjosé Revista española de la opinión pública (April - Jun 1969)

The Birth of Tragedy and The Case of Wagner
J. T. The Review of Metaphysics (03-1968)

On the Genealogy of Morals, Ecce Homo
S. O. H. The Review of Metaphysics (06-1968)

The Will to Power
J. T. The Review of Metaphysics (03-1968)

Tragedy and Philosophy
Charles Segal The Classical World (01-1969)
Carol Remes Science & Society (Summer - Fall 1969)
Herbert Musurillo The Classical Journal (10-1969)
John M. Hems Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (12-1969)
Herbert J. Muller Journal of Aesthetic Education (01-1970)
Elmer H. Duncan The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Spring 1970)
Leon Golden Classical Philology (04-1970)
John P. Anton Comparative Literature Studies (06-1971)
H. C. Baldry The Classical Review (12-1971)
Dorothea Schäfer-Weiss Comparative Literature (Summer 1972)

Hegel’s Political Philosophy
R. J. B. The Review of Metaphysics (12-1970)

Without Guilt and Justice
Donald B. Kuspit Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (12-1973)
P. H. Rhinelander University of Pennsylvania Law Review (01-1974)
Douglas Sturm The Journal of Religion (01-1975)
John Moran Science & Society (Spring 1976)

Religions in Four Dimensions
Jacob B. Agus The Jewish Quarterly Review (07-1978)

The Future of the Humanities
Kirkus Review (02-01-1976)
William J. Bouwsma Change (06-1977)
Harold F. Baut The Journal of Educational Thought (December, 1977)
David A. Erekson The School Review (08-1978)

Goethe, Kant, and Hegel
Edward Bordeau Sacred Heart University Review (Spring 1981)
Ruth Crowley Monatshefte (Summer 1983)

Freud, Adler, and Jung
C. P. D. The American Journal of Psychology (Spring 1982)
Francis Michael Sharp The German Quarterly (05-1983)